Sunday, September 17, 2006

All packed up!

Well I'm all packed and ready to go. I can't believe how long it took me to pack all my stuff up. Having an 80 pound limit meant I had to pick and choose what to pack, and as most people know I am not the lightest of packers. I just had to keep reminding myself that I will be able to find almost anything I may need when I am in El Salvador.

So I have one more night to enjoy my comfy bed before I ship-off tomorrow morning. I'll be in D.C. until Wednesday morning, and then I'm off to El Salvador. I'm not sure what my access to the internet will be like, so it may be a while before I write another post. Next time you hear fom me it will be from hot and humid El Salvador!! Take care, and please keep in touch!!


At 9:38 PM, Blogger idaho said...

You not the lightest of packers, ya sure?! I'm glad you called me...remember to take care of yourself K


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